Thursday, October 28, 2010

Growing Azalea after purchase from a store.

Growing Azalea after purchase from a store.
     Have some recommended to clean the root Azalea by bring Azalea out from pot, or bag. Then wash the soil from the roots using water spray to clean out. From  textbooks  after clean and dry recommend bring Azalea into indoor room. After trunk  and root dry then we can begin planting that we have prepared in the shade.

      But from experience, most did not make clear the only change to the root pot.
The result is almost always the problem from Azalea look shabby, and the symptoms of a lack of nutrients will be symptom yellow leaf, but the vein is green (chlorosis)
(but the experience never to wash the roots before planting. I have not yet confirmed that the symptoms that occur as these are missing or not. If you wash the roots before growing.)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Planting Azalea.

Basics of Azalea.
         Because of Azalea is plants that are native to warm area is mostly Although there are some in the tropics but high from sea level and having cold throughout the year.For Azalea it is difficult to be planted and raised in the plains at high temperatures. But there are some varieties that can adapt enough to survive and grow for having flowers bloom in an environment like that.But for Azalea planting in sometime may need to adjust the environment temperature, humidity, etc., in order to facilitate the growing specter of Azalea.
           Azalea has very small roots and fragile. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the planting as well. Grower will need to have good water keeping system. Drain wells because if planting roots is in hard soil, Water cannot to down to root that is a problem to growth of Azalea.Azalea majors crop grown on an acidity soil. Internationally textbook said, level of acidity of planting suitable for growing is 4.5 to 6.0 .

           So in a foreign country to sell the plant is often used peat moss as a planting that acidity

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Welcome to Azalea the story of beauty flower.

Azalea story
       All confusing is the difference between Azalea and Rhododendron.
Azalea is in the genus Rhododendron, there are two subgenus. Group of evergreen leaves and defoliated group Pentanthera.The difference of the Azalea and Rhododendron is, Azalea has a shaft Pollen 5-6 but Rhododendron has 10 shafts Pollen. Azalea is also smaller than the size of the tree and Rhododendron. Azalea has one flower on one stalk, while Rhododendron have a bouquet of flowering.
       However Azalea is Rhododendron, but not all Rhododendron is Azalea.
In Asia, we call the Azalea in name Rose. I know Azalea on travel Thailand trip. “Rhodo” in Greek dictionaries, mean rose.
       I think Julia is often a very high shrubs do not exceed the height of man.
Have flowered at the end of branches. One branch have one flower it did not include for bouquet.It have a small leave in the fall some of group had been shedding their leaves before the fall of pretty red leaves. Some of them do not have the shed their leaves .The Rhododendron often high and massive.

        Plant in the town will not good shape because often planted with other trees. However the forests in the shape of the tree will bend pretty outstanding. Under the Trees are usually clear high erect the leaves and flowers are on the top. The oval leaves are thick same as Plumeria, cascaded like a skirt, Hawaiian style.
         Azalea has a flower on top. Branch had a floral grouping together is round like a ball bush. When it bloom a lot they look like to remove color balls arranged on a Christmas tree.
The word Azalea means dry. The many book give me different meaning. One of reason is Azalea because some say that a good drought tolerance.Someone say that not true, because Azalea is licking shallow root system cannot be miss the water for long time. I would like to translate the word "Dry" to "endure". Because we can to not pay attention for Azalea for long time. Many house, bank, gas station, restaurant and other place have Azalea for create nature life style when it have been flowering it can make happy country.
       Azalea cans be found in Asia, Europe, North America, including Australia. Or on the island of Borneo and Azalea also is the flower of North Carolina state. Azalea today mostly comes from breeding. Probably the most famous Azalea growing and breeding from a temple in Japan, and eventually spread to Europe. From my education from many books, Europeans especially England and French,the ancients would be interested in breeding very much. Many trees and flowers came from the greenhouse and botanists in Europe. I think Azalea Flower is beautiful in japan style very much.Especially if trimmed nicely, Satsuki Azalea Bonzai .

        Largest Azalea gardens in America is Callaway Gardens in Georgia.I have not ever been to. Another very beautiful Azalea garden is the National Aboretum in DC. Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, and at McCrillis Gardens in Bethesda Azalea is a story about the legend from Asia rather than in.. Although Ah lick some varieties are native American plants, but most of them Azalea from Japan to Europe, then gradually spreads to America again.
         Japanese legend says that Azalea springing up from the sacred soil of the mountain Kirishina when Ninigi down from heaven to create the Empire of Japan. The other legend is the legendary Chinese emperor who was also about a brutal assassination. Then become CUKCOO until blood flows from the rostrum Dyed the flower become red color.